Diploma of Advanced Studies in Intercultural Communication
The academic excellence of a MAS with the flexibility to choose the best modules for your professional development.
Distributed across 12 modules in 3 countries, the DAS comprises 5 weeks of study and 1 mandatory online module.
Online module
The introduction to the program and intercultural communication theoretical framework will be presented online. It will involve virtual interaction with other participants and professors. The module also includes a course on visualization tools. Participants will learn about cross-cultural variations in the interpretation of visual communication and practical applications of visualizations communicating across cultures and for facilitating intercultural communication.
Face-to-face instruction
The main part of each module will be taught face-to-face over three days of intensive instruction for a total of 24 hours course work.
The individual preparation for each module, to be done before classroom instruction, consists mainly of reading background materials and analyzing examples and case studies (articles, websites, etc.). All preparatory materials are available in advance on the e-learning platform reserved for participants.
Certification paper
The evaluation of students' performance for each module is based on an academic assignment. This work has to be prepared by the student at home and has to be sent by email by the deadline set by the Academic Director. Participants usually have about 2 months to complete their certification paper.
Select 5 blocks or 10 modules plus the online module out of our entire program and build your tailored curriculum based on your professional needs and time constraints:
Diploma of Advanced Studies - DAS (30 ECTS): CHF 13'000
Upgrade from DAS to Master of Advanced Studies in Intercultural Communication - MAS (60 ECTS): CHF 8'500
USI Università della Svizzera italiana is one of 12 universities under the Swiss university system, coordinated by the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (swissuniversitites). swissuniversities represents all 12 Swiss universities and maintains relationships with other accredited universities outside Switzerland. As a recognized university that is part of the public system, the degree-granting body of the MIC is USI Università della Svizzera italiana.
To ensure international recognition, in 2002 USI became the first Swiss university to adopt the Bologna Reform and the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). The Bologna Declaration mandates that all taught courses and coursework are to be quantified in ECTS points. The ECTS guarantees that credits are wholly compatible and transferable within and across the broader European university system.
The diploma awarded is a Master of Advanced Studies in Intercultural Communication (60 ECTS) from Università della Svizzera italiana, Faculty of Communication Sciences.